Leadership High School 2015

Fort Bend Regional Council on Substance Abuse, Inc., (FBRC) along with Lamar Consolidated Independent School District, joined Fort Bend County community leaders to host Leadership High School 2015.  The annual initiative united 60 teens from four LCISD high schools, alumni leaders, FBRC staff and school district and community volunteers to empower students to be leaders within their community.

George Ranch High School

Lamar High School

B.F. Terry High School

Foster High School



FBRC’s COO John Robson was interviewed for an ABC News story.  Watch the video here:

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Staff Stories

Sixth Annual Helen Cordes Awards Dinner: Judge Susan Lowery

Fort Bend Regional Council on Substance Abuse, Inc. held the Sixth Annual Helen Cordes Award Dinner featuring intervention specialists Debbie and Brandon Knauss on February 26, 2015 at Safari Texas Ranch in Richmond, Texas.

judgesusanloweryThe award dinner was held in honor of an individual who has given their time, experience and expertise to Fort Bend Regional Council. The Honoree for 2015 is Judge Susan Lowery, who has been an outspoken advocate on substance abuse issues.
The Helen Cordes Award was founded to honor her generous community spirit and many community achievements; Helen served on the Fort Bend Regional Council’s Board of Directors from 1991 – 1997 and was President from 1992 – 1995. During that time and long afterward, she served FBRC with such a sincere passion for our mission that she has inspired all who have shared the privilege of working with her.

Your sponsorship provides immeasurable support as FBRC fights the debilitating effects of substance abuse in our schools and community. For more information or to become a sponsor please contact Mandi Bronsell at mbronsell@fortbendcouncil.org or 281-207-2409.

Overcoming barriers to mental health and substance abuse care

Despite new laws passed to address need, patients must still overcome barriers to receiving quality substance abuse care.

Ritalin Abuse

Unfortunately, even prescribed drugs can be abused. Ritalin is a important drug for children with ADD but as you can see in the below article it to can lead to a dangerous outcome if abused…

Mistakes we make leading kids

Teaching our children to be leaders is very important…but the point can be reached where we have gone too far. This is an excellent article on finding a balance between the two.